Water System
- Statutory Powers. The District is authorized to acquire, own, and operate a water system, borrow money and issue bonds, and levy and collect taxes (current tax rate is 0.000382 effective July 1, 2023).
- Ad Valorem Taxes. The provisions of the water Conservancy Act authorize the District to levy and collect ad valorem property taxes up to .oo1 per $1.00 of taxable value of all taxable property within the District. The District can levy an additional .0001 if necessary in order to punctually pay debt service on its obligations that are payable from the proceeds of taxes and assessments. The District has not levied the additional tax levy.
- Water Delivery Capabilities. The District has an extensive system composed of one reservoir, 12 wells, treatment plants and distribution facilities designed to enable the district to carry out its purposes.
- Sources and Supply of Water. The District derives its water supply from various property rights in ground and surface water sources and contractual rights to the water made available by certain water storage projects. The District’s sources of water yield an average of 2,144 acre feet of water annually. Of this amount, approximately 260 acre feet of water has been allocated for sale and the remaining 1,884 acre feet is available for future sale.
- Groundwater. in 2014, the District’s 12 wells produced approximately 84 million gallons, 260 acre feet of water.
- The Districts well production capacity is approximately 2.75 MGD, with peak production at approximately 1.25 MGD.
- Tank Storage. The District has over 3 million gallons of tank storage and 1 million gallons of pipe storage. Depending on the elevation of residential households, pressures will range from 40 PSI and 160 PSI. The system meets all state and county requirements for fire suppression and prevention.
- Secondary Water. The Jackson Flat Reservoir is an off stream site fed by a 24 inch pipe capable of flowing nearly 24 acre-feet per day. The average depth of the reservoir is 28 feet with a conservation pool that will sustain 400 acre-feet of water.
- Hydroelectric System
- The District owns and operates a hydroelectric plant, the Orderville Hydro Unit Plant. The estimated 444,000 Kilowatt-hours per year generated by the Orderville Hydroelectric Plant is sold to the Deseret Power Company and provides the District with an average of $10,000 in annual income.
- Hydroelectric System
Cedar Mountain “Duck Creek” Area:
Prior to 2000, most water companies on Cedar Mountain hauled water or accessed unreliable wells and local springs, which would often times dry up in the summer or freeze in the winter. These water companies installed water lines that were buried above the frost line making them inoperative 6 months out of the year. Other systems deficiencies included the lack of regular water testing and reporting, poor back flow prevention, marginal groundwater zone protection and lack of storage capacity for fire flow.
KCWCD teamed up with the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and began working with the local Duck Creek water boards and their membership to bring clean, reliable, year-round culinary water to Cedar Mountain residents.
- The first phase of the Duck Creek Water Improvements began in 2001 with the construction of a year-round water system for the commercial district of Duck Creek Village. During the next decade and multiple phases, project improvements extended through ten subdivisions. The last phase was completed during 2013 with the addition of Zion’s View. The district serves over 3,000 residential connections and has the capacity to serve 8,000 residents throughout Cedar Mountain. This provides year-round water to the subdivisions of Duck Creek Ridge, Meadow View Heights, Color Country, Strawberry, Long Valley, Swains Creek and Zion’s View.
- The total water system build-out on Cedar Mountain has added 3 million gallons of water storage and nearly a half million feet of pipe.

The Johnson Canyon (JC) area, east of Kanab, Utah has seen an increase of over 400 new homes in the last 10 years. In 1999, with the help of the Division of Drinking Water, the District was able to drill a well and construct a new water distribution system to serve the Johnson Canyon residents. The system meets all state standards. There are plans to drill two more wells, one for culinary and one for irrigation.

East Kane Area (New Paria and West Clark Bench):
In 2022, KCWCD adopted two private water systems in an unincorporated area of Kane County. The New Paria Water Company and Clark Bench Water Company approached KCWCD years ago as maintenance and management needs exceeded local shareholders’ abilities. Because of a generous grant from the Utah Division of Drinking Water, both systems are in the process of being updated to modern Utah State standards. Together, these systems make the East Kane Area of service for KCWCD, an area poised for growth. While the service area has yet to collect usage data, the water conserving measures KCWCD implements will directly affect this drier area of Kane County.