Mike Noel – Executive Director
Michael Noel has been instrumental in guiding KCWCD through a tremendous expansion period. Mike, as Executive Director and General Manager, has managed the District and been the visionary and driving force behind obtaining the funding needed to purchase water rights and construct state-of-the-art water systems through Kane County.
Executive Director’s Message
When I started as the Executive Director and General Manager of the Kane County Water Conservancy District, I could have never predicted what we would have accomplished over the next 25 years and as an organization, we are just getting started! In our beautiful desert, conserving water is essential. When we do it responsibly, conserving water ensures that Kane County can maintain its rural way of life. A life that promotes strong families, healthy communities, and vibrant economies.
We work hard at KCWCD to make sure that Kane County’s water needs are met today and long into the future. With these water conserving measures, Kane County will have water for many, many years to come. Our hope, which our goals and plans reflect, is that each citizen of Kane County can enjoy fruitful, responsible water use and that each visitor can be enriched because of that responsible use. Thanks for allowing us to serve you.
Board of Directors
Benjamin Clarkson – Chairman
Office Staff
Jennifer Stewart
Executive Assistant
Amanda Buhler
Office Manager
Katy Ballard
Billing Clerk
Field Staff
Mark Fisher
Johnson Canyon/East Kane
Operations Manager
Roger Williams
Johnson Canyon/East Kane
Water Master/Irrigation Operator
Mike Hornak
Duck Creek Area
Operations Manager
Greg Edwards
Duck Creek Area
Water Master
Seth Giddings
Jackson Flat Reservoir
Water Master
(no picture available)
Patrick Warner
All areas
Water Master