There has been some confusion about camping at the reservoir. We have put up signs where you are not allowed. There are also barriers around the reservoir that should not be crossed or driven around. If you have questions, feel free to contact our office at (435)644-3997.

Happening – April 28-30th 2023
For more information and/or to register visit Kanab Disc Golf or visit the Kanab Disc Golf Facebook

Our trophies for the adult division, junior division, biggest fist, biggest bass, and smallest fish. By Zion Trophies & Awards

We are so grateful to all of our sponsors that donated prizes and make this event possible!!!
Check out our Facebook each day for shout outs to our benefactors, then come join us on Saturday (July 23rd), for Fireworks on the Water!!! There is also a dance by Kane County Farm Bureau, but it will be held at Button’s Barn at 605 E 1100 S. (see more info below).

Thank you so much to all of our amazing sponsors (shown above on flyer)!!! We appreciate all of the support to bring the community together for such a great event!

May 2022: Come down to Jackson Flat Reservoir for a fun time at the carnival! For more information go to the Kane County Utah Office of Tourism and Film Commission website:

Nov 2021

Thanksgiving Turkey Trot Facebook

Thank you to all who participated!! Click on Fishing Results to see the breakdown of the total weights that were caught. See pictures below of our winners!
Thank you to those that participated in the free entry drawing! Keep informed by visiting our facebook page:
ATTENTION!!!! If you are planning on using a boat you must complete the education course and sign the form saying that you either have not used your boat in any water listed on the DWR website, or that you have decontaminated your boat and trailer as outlined on the form.

Getting the reservoir stocked and ready to roll for the third annual Reel Deal Fishing Tournament!!!
Thank you to those that participated in the free entry drawing! Keep informed by visiting our facebook page:
ATTENTION!!!! If you are planning on using a boat you must complete the education course and sign the form saying that you either have not used your boat in any water listed on the DWR website, or that you have decontaminated your boat and trailer as outlined on the form.

Getting the reservoir stocked and ready to roll for the third annual Reel Deal Fishing Tournament!!!
Come out to Jackson Flat Reservoir to celebrate Pioneer Day!
We want to thank all of our sponsors who make this Firework show possible!
- Garkane Energy
- South Central Communications
- Kane County
- Town of Fredonia
- Honey’s Marketplace
- Houston’s Trails End Restaurant
For more information:

WSWCF World Cup comes to Jackson Flat Reservoir Outdoor Fitness Park
Come join us for the Grand Opening of Jackson Flat Reservoir Outdoor Fitness Park! After the ribbon cutting you will have the opportunity to learn from experts in calisthenics. If that isn’t your jam, you can grab a bite to eat from the food trucks that will be in attendance, and sit back and watch the professionals compete!

2nd Annual Kanab Campout Disc Golf Tournament
Kanab Disc Golf Course Grand Opening Event
Kane County Water Conservancy District (KCWCD) hosted the Kanab Disc Golf Course Grand Opening Event/Tournament on May 19th 2018. The event was held at Jackson Flat Reservoir where KCWCD built an 18 hole golf course using Prodigy baskets, which is 1 of 4 approved baskets by the PDGA. The course also has 5’x10′ concrete tee pads at the start of each hole that players throw from. Next to each tee pad is a sign outlining each hole with information regarding the distance from tee pad to basket, the hole par and a course sponsor. KCWCD asked local companies in Kanab to sponsor the course. The Kanab Disc Golf Course sponsors are: Garkane Energy, State Bank of Southern Utah, Healthy Kane County Coalition, South Central Communications, Kane County Office of Tourism, Honey’s Marketplace, Glazier’s Market, Iron Rock Engineering, Sego Restaurant, Wingate Wilderness Therapy, ERA Utah Properties, The Soda Fountain, Juniper Ridge Restaurant, Kanab Custom Meats, Big Al’s Burgers, Amerigas, Rocking V Cafe, Best Friends, Kanab Adventures and Desert Yoga Babes. Winners of the tournament are as follows: open division – Brett Chaffin, advanced division – Brandon Merzlock, intermediate division – Clinton Dowse, recreational division – Brandon Brown, intermediate women – Alex Nickleson, Junior 18 – Bo Park. KCWCD would like to invite all public to come out and enjoy the course as a free amenity.
K-Town Turkey Trot opens Kanab’s newest trail at Jackson Flat Reservoir
The K-Town Turkey Trot was the perfect way to showcase the newly completed Sherry Belle Trail with nearly 250 participants gathering at Jackson Flat Reservoir on Thanksgiving morning for a family friendly 5K. The crowd gathered at the start line for the ceremonial ribbon cutting as Mike Noel honored his late wife, Sherry Noel, who the trail was named after. Sherry was a great advocate for trails and regularly promoted community health and wellness.
“We are proud to open the trail and appreciate everyone’s efforts in making this trail a reality,” said Kelly Brown, the project manager for Kane County Water Conservancy District. Once the ribbon was cut, participants were off to the races on the paved asphalt trail, which loops around the outside of the reservoir.
The overall winner finished the race in just over 19 minutes. Others walked, jogged, pushed strollers, and rode scooters. There were even four legged participants that enjoyed the race! “It was great to have such an amazing turnout for this even and the demand for trails and recreational opportunities is clearly evident,” said Kelly Stowell, Kanab Trails Committee Chair.
Frozen turkeys were awarded to the top male and female finishers in each age division, and the first 200 participants to cross the finish line received a K-Town Turkey Trot Dog Tag. The race committee is already gearing up for next year’s race and has some great ideas to make it bigger and better. Count on this event to be a new Kanab Thanksgiving Day tradition.
The Sherry Belle Trail at Jackson Flat Reservoir is now open to non-motorized use during day-time hours.
For the Press Release click on the link below
Jackson flat ribbon cutting and turkey trot
Spring Birding Event at Jackson Flat Reservoir sponsored by Wild Kane County held on Saturday April, 29, 2017. Speaker Lisa Church, a wildlife biologist from the Bureau of Land Management, spoke to nearly 60 people in attendance about the different local species of birds found in the area. After Lisa spoke, several birding experts set up spotting scopes around the reservoir to help others in attendance, spot the different species on the reservoir. The Jackson Flat Reservoir has attracted multiple species that weren’t typically found in the area before the construction of the reservoir. Birding is just one of the many recreational activities to take advantage of at the new reservoir.
The Utah State Governor, Gary Herbert, came through Kane County and stopped at the KCWCD office building for lunch and a small meeting. Many topics were discussed about the health of the county and things going on in Kanab, Utah. Governor Herbert’s response when asked whether the state of Utah is on track with his initiative to reduce per capita water usage by 25% by the year 2025 was that “we are right on track.” The introduction of the Slow the Flow campaign has helped the public be more cognitive when using water to not waste as much by keeping the faucet on while brushing your team for example. You can accomplish the same thing by only turning it on when needed. The governor’s visit marks the second time that he has visited the water district at Jackson Flat, the first being the ground breaking ceremony of the reservoir.
Each month Kane County Water Conservancy District holds a board meeting where pertinent topics are discussed regarding different projects going on in Kane County. Every month of July The District holds their board meeting up on Cedar Mountain at the Duck Creek Fire Station. A dutch oven dinner and dessert is provided for the public before the board meeting to give back to the customers we serve and to encourage participation in our efforts to provide safe and reliable drinking water. The photos above are a few of the moments caught at this year’s event.
Kane County Water Conservancy District is currently building a new office building just above the Jackson Flat Reservoir on the south shore. Construction started in June and is on pace to finish January 1, 2017. The new office building will be ADA accessible. The building will serve as a new location to hold monthly board meetings. The building will also be a place in which the community can come and approach the district with any comments or concerns so that we can better serve our customers. Photo taken Aug. 15
The KCWCD office building continues to see progression each week. This weak’s construction consisted of the walls on the bottom floor being finished, the top level’s floor is complete, and the top floor’s walls have started going up. Each week the website will be updated to see the progress.
Can you tell we are excited to be in our new office building?
Walls are up!!
Starting to look like an office building!
This is the back end of the office building.
The view from the conference room.
The office now has windows installed and is ready for roofing and stucco. Things are coming together nicely.
Slowly but surely
Brick and other aesthetics are now being added to the outside of the building with a new finish date of January 1st 2017.
Stucco is finished on the building.
Started landscaping this week.
The temperature outside needed to be at least 50 degrees in order to lay the black top in the driveway and parking. Temperatures were in the 40’s which caused delays. Since then, the climate has warmed up and we now have parking.