You will be able to view the agenda to each board meeting no less than 24 hours before the scheduled date. The agenda will be posted below, as well as on the calendar, Facebook (@kcwcd), and Twitter (@kcwcd). To view the board meeting minutes, please visit the Utah Public Notice Website. We are located under Special Districts>Kane County Water Conservancy District> Kane County Board of Trustees.
If there is a change in the time and/or location of the monthly meetings, a notice of the changes will be posted at the Kane County Courthouse and/or the KCWCD website ( at least 24 hours prior to each scheduled meeting. An agenda for each monthly meeting will also be posted at the Kane County Courthouse at least 24 hours before the regularly scheduled meeting. Please also check our website for meeting agendas. The time listed for each item on the agenda is approximate and could be delayed or may be accelerated as time permits.
Those planning to attend a meeting who require special assistance due to a disability may contact the KCWCD 24 hours in advance of the meeting and we will try to provide whatever assistance may be required. If you want to be on the agenda for one of the monthly meetings, please contact the KCWCD at (435) 644-3997 at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. You can also contact our office by fax at (435) 644-8679 or via e-mail at [email protected].
Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR), for the Duck Creek Area and Johnson Canyon Area, KCWCD’s Conservation Plan, audit report, and the Hydrogeologic Study for the Kanab Creek and Johnson Canyon Basins are listed at the bottom of this page.
May 2022 Special Board Meeting
May 2022 Special Board Meeting Local Building Authority
November 2022 Local Building Authority Agenda
December 2022 Local Building Authority Agenda
Every Community Water System is required to provide a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). This is because of the 1996 amendment to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The CCR is an annual report on the quality of the drinking water. It is required that the CCR is distributed and available for all customers and consumers to view. The CCR shows whether there are contaminants or not and how those different things in their drinking water may affect their health. This helps the consumers make informed choices about the water they drink. To view the CCR for your water system, find the correct sub-division below and click on the link.
In the above tables you will find many terms and abbreviations you might not be familiar
with. To help you better understand these terms we’ve provided the following definitions:
More Reports:
Office of the State Auditor Report 2022
Hydrogeologic Study of Kanab Creek and Johnson Canyon Basins 2023